COVID-19: The Importance of Dental Health During Disease Outbreak
Many patients may not realize that dental health directly affects the immune system’s response. Everyone comes in contact with both viruses and bacteria that stress the body’s natural defense systems. When the body is healthy, these viruses often resolve in … Continued
Family Dentist in Claremont: 4 Tooth Brushing Mistakes You Might be Making
Brushing your teeth is an essential part of maintaining good oral and dental health, and with the help of a family dentist in Claremont, a person should be able to brush their teeth properly each day. However, mistakes do happen, … Continued
Daily Oral Maintenance: 3 Tools Every Dentist Recommends
Daily oral maintenance is crucial to keep a healthy set of gums and teeth. It’s important to pay attention to the entire mouth as a whole. Doing this will provide a person with healthy teeth and gums, as well as … Continued
5 Reasons Your Dental Health is Vital
Overstating the importance of dental health is impossible. The state of a person's mouth is directly linked to their overall well-being. The mouth is just another part of the body, so keeping it healthy promotes good health in other areas. … Continued
What Are the Initial Signs of a Cavity?
Most people are unaware of the initial signs of a cavity since these indicators often overlap with other oral health maladies. Cavities are one of the nation’s leading health problems. The rise in cavity prevalence is partially due to the … Continued